
Brave Americans Demanding a Government of Responsibility & Service

"Family Values" - The Truth behind the Words (Part 1)


Politicians, Television Evangelists, and Fanatic Individuals and/or Groups around the country love to chant the phrase, "Family Values."  It is supposed to invoke an emotional response in the hearts of every citizen, especially the over forty category.  It is designed to conjure thoughts and memories of wholesomeness, stability, and an extended group of homogenous (similar) people, a family. 


They want you to picture the family television shows from the 1950's like "Leave it to Beaver," "The Andy Griffith Show," "My Three Sons," and "Father Knows Best."  These are the shows they grew up knowing and believing.  Unfortunately, they are still thinking with the mind of a child.  As adults, they know these television series were unrealistic and fake.  It does not seem to matter.  They would rather speak in lies and fantasy than face the reality of adulthood and life.


However, the messages projected to the listener, by these important and knowledgeable individuals, are not words of cohesion and unity.  They are words of hate, dissention and discord dressed up to look pretty and polite.  The messages are a campaign of negativity.  If you believe in Family Values; you must be against Gay Marriage, Homosexuality, and Abortion. 


If you are not against these things; you are not a believer in Family Values.  You are an agent of evil and involved in a secret plot to destroy America.


Let's review these issues.


Their Claim: Gay Marriage is abhorrent to God and against the Bible.  It violates the sanctity of a man and a woman, as designed by God.


The Truth:  God never designed the sacrament of marriage.  It was created by the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church in the Twelfth Century.  Prior to the creation of the Sacrament of Marriage; marriage was a civil ceremony.  Marriage was a property contract between a father and the husband because women were considered property.


Their claim: Gay Marriage will destroy the family.


The Truth:  There are gay relationships which have lasted thirty, forty and fifty years.  These couples live, work, fight and love like any heterosexual married couple in the country.  Some of these couples have children, either from a previous heterosexual relationship, adoption, or a surrogate.  They are a family. 


The children from these relationships have grown up to be well adjusted and an iatrical part of the community.  Their sexuality has not been manipulated or transposed by their parents.  Most of the children are heterosexual and have never delved into homosexual behavor.  Furthermore, psychological studies have proven gay parents to be more caring, involved and stable than the majority of heterosexual families today.  These studies were designed and started under the reverse assumption.  They expected to prove gay couples were unfit.


However, in the heterosexual community, 6 out of 10 family units are single parent households.  The average heterosexual couple will never marry and they tend to change partners based on convenience, not love or commitment.  Furthermore, three out of five marriages end in divorce within five years.  Failure to commit to the care and protection of their children, divorce and adultery are the reason "Family Values" are dying.  None of these behaviors have anything to do with Gay Marriage or homosexuality but everything to do with heterosexual values and behaviors


It seems gay couples are part of the few still living under the umbrella of "Family Values."


      H.I. & M.E.H. Pr. Fra' Don Louis Pèpin, who is known in America as H.I. & M.E.H. Pr. Fra' Dr. Donald Lee Pippin, Jr. or H.I. & M.E.H. Pr. Fra' Dr. D. Lee Pippin is the Prince Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Knights of the Imperial Order of the Carolingian Empire and its American Association, Noblesse Oblige Charities, Inc.


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